Calibration baths

High reliability and ideal homogeneity

Calibration baths are electronic controllers which automatically, quickly and with the help of a liquid, supply a temperature. Due to the high reliability and exceptional homogeneity in the measuring chamber, calibration baths are particularly suitable as a factory/working standard for the automatic testing and/or calibration of the widest range of temperature probes - independent of diameter. A special micro calibration bath design enables on-site applications.

What are Calibration Baths?

Calibration baths come in various forms -- either as portable devices or as large, permanently installed laboratory equipment. Mensor offers the CTB9100 Micro Calibration Bath, a high temperature calibration bath which is primarily used for on-site applications. Our calibration baths generate some of the lowest calibration uncertainties achieved by a stable and uniform temperature environment. Another advantage is that, regardless of the size and shape of the probe, any probe can be calibrated as long as it can be fully immersed. Depending on the liquid, and also the temperature probes used for heating and cooling, operators often use several baths with different temperature ranges, in order to calibrate the sensors at different temperatures.

Calibration Bath or Dry-well Calibrator?

For temperature calibration – depending on the environment, application and industry – calibration baths or dry well calibrators can be used. Both instruments can reach different levels of uncertainty and act as a stable temperature source. The decision which of the two to use depends, among other things, on the following criteria:

  • temperature range
  • portability
  • handling of liquid media
  • temperature stability

Learn more how to decide between calibration baths and dry well calibrators in our blog article.

When are Calibration Baths Used?

Calibration baths are temperature measurement devices that could be used for reliable temperature calibration in laboratories. They are also used in the pharmaceutical and food industries for temperature probe calibration services. Since the test item is immersed in water or oil for calibration, the calibration bath cannot be used in sterile environments because of the risk of contamination. Sterile industries usually rely on dry-well calibrators for their temperature calibration procedures.