There are two ways to accomplish this. One involves a piston gauge or a deadweight tester being used as the reference standard, while the other uses a precision barometer as the reference to set the zero. Another technique, which uses significantly less setup time and cost, is taking a precision barometer and using it as a reference standard to zero absolute transducers.
Continuous output readings benefit users that want to easily integrate pressure transducers into their larger system, monitor measurements around the clock or customize their readings to include output frequency, temperature data or the uncertainty at each pressure point.
Precision pressure transducers are commonly used for the high accuracy applications. More than likely, you will find them being used in production environemnts as well as an efficient tool in the aerospace indsutry.
At what pressure could the pressure measuring instrument be destroyed?
Pressure values above the overpressure limit can lead to irreversible damage of the measuring instrument. It does not matter whether this pressure is present constantly or only for a short period of time. In either case, the complete destruction of ...